Sunday 31 March 2013

The Trailer Pukes

We made it as far as Creston, BC.   The grass is green, the sun is shining,  we are exhausted.   Spending some time at my sister's to rest, regroup, use a decent speed of internet, and yes puke all the stuff out of the trailer onto the lawn and repack.   It's amazing really that there wasn't a bag meant for the dumpster that mistakenly got packed.   At the end we were so pushed for time that things got thrown in bags, boxes and bins and chucked in.  So I have reorganized the trailer for the first of many times.  
Soon everyone will know where their own stuff is and then can put it back there!   The good news is that there are a limited number of places something can be.    Also because the temperatures are above zero- yes even at night, we dewinterized the water system and it seems to be working! 
We went for a walk yesterday to the Creston Valley Wildlife Refuge and saw lots of ducks and geese, tree swallows, frogs, a swimming snake, a swarming ant hill, a willow tree full of honey bees, and were surrounded by the calls of red wing blackbirds.     It feels like part of the plan to begin this family journey just as the earth starts to renew with another spring.   New growth, sun on my face and the great unknown ahead.  

Friday 22 March 2013


Eleven years in one place is way too long a time to collect a lot of shit.   And I do mean shit.  Really?  A good friend was here today and saw some of our dirty little secrets- found one of those insulated "shoe boxes"  that our beneficial insects used to come in for the greenhouse- hiding on a shelf in the cold room- well really you never know when you might need one.   Wow.   Anyone coming over tomorrow will be scoring some very healthy food as a goody bag on their way home too!  Must be the squirrel genes- one can really never have enough dried beans in storage.   I am shaking my head at myself.   We are mostly packed except for what will theoretically fit in our trailer.   We shall see.  
How we roll.
I just had to stop and take this picture.   That green thing in the upper left of the very classy stock trailer is - yes it really is a canoe. 

Count down.....three point five days until lift off or blow up- which ever comes first.
Next post will hopefully include some desert blooms, sun and rock.