Thursday 16 May 2013

Hanging out at Lake Mead.

Swimming in a lake in April!  Temperatures were in the high 90's.  Apparently record breaking for this time of year here.   Tilly has started to love water, but isn't swimming yet.  Rusty as usual is a seal.

You can make a diving bell from a rubber maid.  Always the teacher...

We spent just time hanging out and resting, regrouping, being antsy.   Anna made us some awesome sushi with only a little help.   Thanks Auntie Alison for teaching her!

Lake Mead is created by the Hoover Dam- just east of Vegas.  Did a tour of the dam- it really is a work of art- even though it dams an amazing river- it was very innovative for it's time.  And even though the interpretive display didn't mention any of the women that were part of building it- but there I go thinking critically again. 

The level is very low- drops 6 ft below the previous year low each year- only 10 years before they don't have enough pressure to generate electricity anymore.  As it is they only run one turbine out of seven at present.

It's main purpose was for irrigation- but now the water is also used to facilitate urban sprawl and green lawns where there should barely be a creosote bush.  While we were there they actually moved the beach!  Just moved the barriers, signs, outhouses and plowed a new ridge of gravel and voila you don't need to walk so far and the water couldn't possibly be dropping.   Lalalala.

And no we did not go to Vegas.

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