Thursday 11 July 2013

Big White is broken.

Ah the best laid plans....Agate Beach was a paradise until Big White has a melt down.  Leland and I were coming back from town with groceries when the heater stopped working.  Greg checked the fluids and the radiator overflow was full of sludge.   To make a long story short it's going to be really really expensive- all seems like paradise until there is  a broken truck and an expensive rental car, then there is the sticky damp, the phone that doesn't work, no wifi, sand in the bed, laundry that piles up, a coating of salt on everything, parts that were ordered on Friday arrive on Tuesday but don't get picked up until Wednesday- and that's by plane!  The truck is really broken- like 7-10,000 dollars broken- but we have no choice. 

Lawrence- who owns the garage is super nice- they had us over for supper yesterday.  The mechanic is a young guy who just moved here six months ago from Calgary and specializes in these engines and knows exactly how to fix it (we hope).  Greg and Leland took the rental car to find a campsite near town to move the trailer to so we could get rid of the car and just walk until the truck is fixed.  The guy at the campground lent us his truck to go get the trailer and bring it here- they want us to borrow their jeep to go to the beach if we want.  People continue to surprise us with their generosity and hospitality.   There isn't one bookstore in the whole place so we have been scrounging paperbacks and haunting the odd library (each town has one and they are open about a total of 8 hrs per week- some things are really backward here.   So at this campsite there is wifi, a pay washer and dryer and electricity for the trailer- showers- a loonie a minute and the first minute is cold.  But we can walk to town and just chill.   Breathe, chill, breathe some more.  

We had a marathon game of monopoly.   We are on day 7 of a broken truck.   Who knows when it will get fixed.   Just when we have a plan,  are on a roll----tada! 
Breathing, chilling, hanging.....appreciating the kindness of strangers who aren't strangers anymore. 

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! That really is a downer to your vacation at paradise, Carmen. If the radiator was the problem, then a replacement may be on the horizon. The people around you were really generous and you were lucky to run into them. I hope you still enjoyed your stay at Agate Beach. I wish you won't encounter the same mishap in the future.

    Gaynelle Pion @ Radiator
