Sunday 20 July 2014

All the stuff!

We have all our stuff literally stuffed in the carport- this is a side effect of putting all of the shop tools in the back of the sea container.   We have been unearthing things out of the boxes- but there is nowhere to put anything in the house yet so it is in piles!  It's making me crazy.  Over a year with minimal stuff has changed me.  My clothes box had too many summer shorts- why did I need these?  Our CD's - they are now all on the ipod.  hmmm.  More than five forks would be nice- but there are only four of us and maybe company can bring their own.  No more BYOB it will BYOF!  Bring your own fork. I am looking forward to some things- putting them in a place.  If there is no place for them to live then I will have to find a place (this does not include "in storage") or it will have to hit the road.  There is a theme these days of cleaning out, getting rid of, being free.  One of my mentors Mors Kochanskis- used to ask us to think about how many hours or days or years of our lives went into something.  For example he used to drive an old Dodge Dart that if you asked him he could tell you exactly how many workshops he had to teach to buy that car.  It wasn't worth it to him to have a fancy newer car and work four times as many workshops.  So I am thinking- how much of my time goes into taking care of this stuff.  Cleaning it, putting it away, finding it....maybe I don't want to spend my time that way.  Maybe time and space and breath are more important to being a full human?

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