Monday 22 April 2013

Anna's Moth Incident

April 22th 2013 Monday
by Anna

I am going to tell an amazing incident that includes two totally different places.

One at ‘Hole in the wall’’ and one at ‘Kelso dunes’. The only thing these places have in common is they both are in California!

purple salvia
My brother Leland, Mom and I were going for a walk and Salvia bushes were everywhere. In one Salvia bush there was the most beautiful moth I had ever seen.

It had a pink stripe on either side of its wings and a little brown, white and black stripe pattern on the back.

We stopped in our tracks not daring to speak; it was Mom who broke the spell, she said with excitement, “Look at that!!” Leland managed to say, “WOW!” We watched it for about four or five minutes, then I said, “I am going to go and get the camera!” “Do you know where it is?” Mom asked me, “Yes! It is at the camper. I can run and get it and run back.” “Okay, if you want to.” Mom says. “You guys stay here so I know where the moth is.” I say as I start running to the camper.

You are probably wondering if I made it to the camper, well, I did, but when I got back something happened. I was running to my Mom and Leland, and I just tuned the camera on when the darn thing flue a way right then!

You know it was only one moth that time. But why waste time not hearing about the “Kelso dunes”.

One evening we were eating supper, when Rusty barked at something. Dad went to say be quite it to him, when he saw an amazing site. It was five or six of these moths flying everywhere! They were going to these Desert Primrose flowers that were just blooming! There was lots of ooooos and ahhhhhhs for a long time.


This time I got lots and lots of pictures. We watched them for about an hour. It was quite a site.

I hope you enjoyed my story. J

P.S.  We found out the moth’s we saw were called a ‘White Lined Sphinx Moth.’


  1. I'm with Leland - WOW! It is so clear that you enjoy writing about this topic, Anna. Your voice is strong and effective. I must confess that once I get beyond the, WOW, I am a tad bit jealous of the plant and animal life you are observing. They are inviting your attention with a spectacular display of color. Keep on journalling your story as you travel. I am drinking in the sights:)

  2. It is so neat to share in your learning! Your pictures are so vibrant and beautiful (maybe not the snakes ;) Keep writing and we will keep sharing in your adventures from the Calgary Argyll office!
