Monday 22 April 2013

Under a rock....

Those big rocks look perfect to camp next to. ...we’d already been there a day and a night and most of another day when I spotted the snake!   This particular rock was about 8 feet from our trailer and about 15 feet from the door.  

As near as we could tell with numerous photos and looking at it through the binoculars it was a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake!  The hair on the back of my neck stood up and then I thought about us all running around in bare feet the day before.   Then it moved!

This snake and probably all of her friends can climb rocks.  

She travelled up and over the rock, through a shrub into a new den where we could see very little of her.   Needless to say we were very cautious of where we walked and stepped.   Meanwhile the Scout troop next door was crashing around in the dark playing capture the flag.   Apparently none of them had had a snake encounter...yet.  

We saw but didn’t hear the rattle- that’s a good thing.   In the Rockies at least the bears leave tracks!   It was great for us to have a non -drastic reminder that we are guests in the desert. 


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